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Shipping & Delivery Costs
Items will be shipped with standard mailing rates. Books will be shipped via media mail. Please allow 2 weeks for delivery. A standard shipping rate of $3.00 will be added to the cart and the fee will be displayed in the checkout at the time of purchase. We apologize in advance for the delay. As a courtesy for the waiting period we would like to provide with an ebook copy of She Said Yes to Herself Unapologetically : The Empowerment Guide for Women and 5% discount on your next purchase. These items will be made readily available to you at our customer service department office.
Merchandise and book boxes will be mailed using general mailing options. Please allow 5 -7 business days for delivery. A fee of $7.00 will be added at check out. Items that are received later than the stipulated timeframes will receive 5% on their next purchase and a speciality item for the inconveince.
Order Processing Time
All orders will be processed on the same day on the following days during the stipulated timeframes: Monday - Friday 10:00am - 4:00pm. Orders that are received outside of the specificed days and timeframes will be processed on the following business day.